Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at ZBiotics

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at ZBiotics

We’re committed to achieving true diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at our company

Addressing systemic racism, sexism, gender discrimination, ableism, and other forms of discrimination in the workplace is the responsibility of all organizations – ZBiotics included. We are dedicated to DEI because it is the right thing to do – for our society, our team, our customers, and our investors.

We also fundamentally believe that diversity and inclusion make a company stronger. Different backgrounds, perspectives, and styles enable problem-solving and enhance creativity. And a sense of belonging creates a more productive, interactive, and engaging environment in which to work.

Members of the ZBiotics team at our lab in Mountain View California

Fig 1.  Members of the ZBiotics team at our lab in Mountain View, California

DEI rarely happens organically – it must be cultivated

That’s why our team recommits every year to our ZBiotics Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Pledge. The pledge ensures we hold ourselves accountable to a number of commitments:

    • Commitment to Amplifying Diverse Voices
    • Commitment to Education
    • Commitment to Diversity
    • Commitment to Action

Calling all community partners

Many industries and communities suffer from underrepresentation of certain populations. We count ourselves as members of a few of them:

    • The scientific community
    • The technology industry
    • The synthetic biology industry
    • The Silicon Valley startup ecosystem

The scarcity of diverse voices in these communities needs to change.

If you are a fellow community member and want to work with us on making that change, please let us know. We'd love to chat. Please reach out.