“Sounds too good
to be true”
- Conrad D.
“You guys are going to love this”
- Mariah E.
“It quite literally has changed my life”
- Marcelo L.
“I always make sure I have a ZBiotics now”
- Matt S.
“We were all hugely impressed”
- Kristin A.
“I've gladly brought extra and shared with friends”
- Taylor W.
“After trying it once
I was hooked”
- Jordyn H.
“Made me wake up feeling really good”
- Brian B.
“We love ZBiotics”
- Ashley & Cody
Featured in
“Solid product that does what it says it’s supposed to do. Worth every penny.”
– Matthew (Brooklyn, NY)
“This product is a fail safe for having a great time and fearing for the next day. Especially when you have to deal with your kids the next day!”
– Michal (Frankfort, IL)
“I cannot begin to explain how amazing this stuff is. It’s the perfect thing that you need for either a night out with the girls or a big trip where you plan on having a lot of alcohol. I will never not have a bottle handy.”
– Emily (Canby, OR)
“I'm usually skeptical of supplements doing what they claim, but this one works, so I've bumped up the frequency of my order.”
– Neil (San Francisco, CA)
“I won’t go to a wedding without a pair to slip the couple!”
– Joseph (Minneapolis, MN)
“I will never go to a special occasion or function without having one before. It’s nice to wake up with my four kids and feel like a million bucks! My friends and family are hooked now too.”
– Jackie (Mesa, AZ)
“I was convinced that this didn’t work, until the day I didn’t take it. Now it’s my go-to pregame shot.”
– Victor (Eastvale, CA)
“It was a lifesaver at my bachelor party and it was a life saver at my wedding. You should have seen the look on my groomsmen's faces when I pulled out a fresh box of ZBiotics.”
– Christopher (Denver, CO)
“The miracles of modern technology are akin to magic and this is basically a magic potion.”
– Daniel (Oakland, CA)
Loved by everybody
Our growing lineup of genetically modified probiotics are purpose-built to improve daily life.

“With ZBiotics, I'm no longer playing Russian roulette with my productivity the next day. Life is too short to spend a whole day recovering.”
– Sophina T.

“ZBiotics has been such a huge help for me in reducing my anxiety around having a drink or two with friends during the week! What used to cause a very inevitable and very obvious drop in my productivity and creativity the next day is now an enjoyable, stress-free night with friends.”
– Kofi O.

“I've never been able to find that sweet spot in terms of how many drinks before future me pays for it. It could be 3 or it could be 10! I've never been able to find that sweet spot in terms of how many drinks before future me pays for it. It could be 3 or it could be 10!”
– Abigail Y.
“My wife, father, mother, uncle and myself took it before our thanksgiving festivities which generally last all day and night. ZBiotics certainly was the ticket to a fairly clear and productive following day. Having three kids under the age of 4 I loath having hang overs while still having to adult. I will certainly be using this product again!”
– Christopher D.
“No worries on enjoying some drinks on Super Bowl Sunday and making it to work feeling great on Monday, plus new PRs on the workout too!”
– Marcos R.

“I used to wake up DEBILITATED after only a glass or two of wine. I searched high and low for a remedy, trying countless vitamin supplements and competitors companies, as well as talking with my health care provider and a naturopath doctor. Nothing was truly transformative until I tried ZBiotics.”
– Sierra M.

“People in events are always looking for the next big thing and something new they haven’t seen before. The novelty of a bioengineered probiotic is something folks don’t soon forget, especially when they have a first-hand experience to seeing how well it works paired with an unexpected social setting. ZBiotics is a favorite gift for clients and partners. There’s really nothing else like it.”
– Max V.

“Probiotics have done wonders for my gut health so when I heard these probiotics could help lessen the physical repercussions of alcohol I was like yeah, that's up my alley! Also, now that I'm a mom, it's nice for my husband and I to unwind with a couple of glasses of wine and still be our best selves the next day running in circles and dancing with our toddler.”
– Monique G.
“The older that I get, the worse my hangovers get, even with only a few glasses of my favorite wines. As a physician, I was skeptical of this product, but I cannot believe how well it worked. I woke up feeling as refreshed and healthy as if I'd had only water to drink the night before, despite having about 5 drinks -- three glasses of wine, and a cocktail with two drinks worth of liquor in it. I did hydrate well, because this product can only do so much, but I was shocked how good I felt the next morning. I am taking this on my trip to Italy so that I can enjoy wine and also enjoy my time traveling and sightseeing.”
– John S.
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Nutrition & Ingredients

Water, Natural Flavors, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Chloride, Bacillus subtilis ZB183™
Manufactured for: ZBiotics Company, 44 Montgomery St, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104